Google Adsense is now highly source of getting passive income from blogging and there a lot of or you can say a large number of blogger are using Google Adsense for earning.Even a blogger might have already receiving a handsome income through Google Adsense but he also has a wish to increase Adsense Earnings.However ,he might have come to know about different illegal ways to increasing his Adsense Revenue but that's a very risky forAdsense.So you might already heard about CTR which actually means (Click Through Rate) in your Adsense.

What is CTR in Google Adsense ?

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If we talk about bloggers or publishers point of view so we can say that CTR plays a very critical role in their online earning potentials.CTR actually stands for those total number of clicks which you will be got in your adsense ad at per hundred impressions in your website.
Let's say you are running ad on your website and it's shows about 100 times by visitors but only few number of people click on your ad like you get 7 click out of 100 views  so that's means that you are getting 7% CTR.

How you can Increase Your Google Adsense CTR ?

#1:Right Place for Ads

Placement of your Adsense ads in one important and most critical factor in term of raising your Google Adsense CTR.Generally you should have to be put your Adsense Ads where you can get mostly users attention.Such as use those places for your Adsense Ad placement where a visitor directly attract with your ad.So that is the best choice for increasing your Adsense CTR.

#2:Select a Perfect Size of Ads

It's common strategy for the whole advertisements that the more Bigger and Larger the size of the Ads the more it will be noticed by their Audience.The whole scene is same for Adsense CTR.You should always use those Ads Sizes which are reliable and adjusted according to your website size.That will be more eye-catching to audience and more chances of Clicks will be raised.

#3:Try to Avoid Ad Blindness

Those visitors who are regularly visit your website are well known about your ads and all the time they always try to avoid your ads.This thing proved to be less earning for you as  blogger and earner.So you should have to update your website time by time with new and effective layouts so that it will fetch audience to clicking on your ads.

#4:Don't Use many Ad Networks

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The number of Ads by many other advertisement websites which are mostly people use to earn more earning by overloading their website with a lot of ads is one major bad effect on CTR.The more number of Ads you will use on your page the more it will effect on your Earnings.
When a visitor see a lot of advertisements on one page so it will make him so confused that he will try to went away from your website.So the more less ads you will use that will be proved more beneficial for your Adsense CTR.

#5:Choose a Correct Niche

Niche is one major fact on which a website is actually based on.While starting your Blog always be very careful regarding your blog niche.Always put on one Niche because this is what Google Adsense Actually loves as it will show ads relevant to your website content and when a visitors see such related ads to your content then chances of adsense Clicking will be highly increased.

#6:More Good Quality Content

Content is always admiral for making money online throughout different sources.The CTR is mostly depend on your content quality and more good and rich quality content you will provide ,consequently more chances of high CTR will be raised.

#7:Using Perfect Keywords

Keywords are key to success whether it is about ranking your website or about getting handsome income.Always keep those keywords on which Google is about giving a much rate then usually.It is more beneficial for both of CTR and right thing for getting more passive income.

#8:Traffic Always at the Top

If we say about High CTR of Adsense then Quality Traffic can never be forgettable.It is one thing which is many many times essential in case of increasing CTR of Google Adsense.Such a traffic you get from Search Engines such as Google ,So there are more chances of clicking on your ads rather then that traffic which you get from regularly sources like Facebook.

As people are looking for getting more information and they find out your website through Google Search then such people when see your content related ads on your website then they will surely are of view to clicking on it.

This all will be result of increasing your Adsense Ads CTR in no time with these simple and easy steps.

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